Tools for exploring, downloading and analyzing

Swedish Biodiversity Data
Browse Swedish data providers and the datasets and species lists they contribute
Explore by Location
Browse species by spatial search, by pre-defined regions or by location
Searching and Analyzing
Search species information or search records by using simple search, advanced search or batch search. Analyze data using the Spatial Portal
R Tools and APIs
Access and analyze data with SBDI online R Studio, Mirroreum, or on your own machine using sbdi4r2 package. Use our APIs. Get help using our R-based workflow .
Molecular Biodiversity Data
Search sequence data using the Swedish ASV portal. Search metagenomic data from the Baltic Sea using BalticMicrobeDB .
Systematic Monitoring and Citizen Science Tools
Participate as volunteers in Swedish monitoring programs by using BioCollect, or help digitize museum specimens.
Marine Data Tools
Explore SHARKweb , Nordic Microalgae or analyze plankton data with our Plankton Toolbox
Biologging Data Tools
Explore the SBDI Biologging Portal for biologging sensor data. Explore WRAM for biologging data hosted by SLU WRAM.
Archaeological Biodiversity Data Tools
Search and explore archaeological biodiversity the SEAD portal